Global History of Incense

Smell stirs the Imagination

While walking down a street in the city, the strong smell of something delicious being cooked travels through the air and hits your nostrils. It could be the smell of hot bread being made or something being fried and instantly your mind travels to a period well in the past, and you are reminded of the same smell that filled your kitchen when your mother made homemade bread or fried eggs perhaps. Yes this is a common occurrence with many when it comes to the power of smell we humans have.

Sense of smell more powerful than others

It is scientifically accepted that our olfactory organ which is the name for our organs of smell is nearly 1,000 times more powerful than our other senses. When a smell is perceived by our olfactory organ it travels in super high speed to the center of our cortex in the brain and stimulates our perception of smell recognition right away. This is perhaps the reason why the sense of smell has been a vital part of mans evolution. It is also known that early Homo sapiens could track animals more correctly by sniffing out their trail, which helped in food gathering and hunting.

Ingredients developed through trial and error

It is thought that early man realized the power of smell, when they might have burned a collection of dried tree leaves and branches and learned that certain plants gave aromatic smoke. Certain aromas so generated also gave them a sense of feeling good and some were considered not so good. This selection led to recognition of certain plant derivatives that worked best. The use of flowers was also predominant for this aromatic discovery by man. Later man tried out various ways to transport and use this easily, which led to the grinding of various components used in an incense stick and having it adhere to a bamboo or wooden stick with the help of a natural gum.

Use of incense in India is a very ancient practice

There are records of religious documents from India that authenticates incense burning and is dated around 5000 B.C. For that matter a look across various ancient civilizations across the world reveals that incense burning in some form was a basic part of religious and social ritual. The ability of smell to evoke a mental condition or an emotional response was considered important for praying and meditation. People had to have one pointed concentration and a calm disposition and that is where the use of incense sticks played a pivotal role.

Fragrance is therapeutic and provides employment

One could say that the use of incense burning was the earliest form of Aromatherapy that existed well before French Chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse created the modern format for this ancient therapeutic system. Today the use of incense sticks is an accepted part of not just religious ritual in large parts of the world, but a customary means to creating a great ambient atmosphere anywhere. The trade in incense sticks is a few billion dollars and provides huge employment to people worldwide.

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