
One of the key tenets of the Hindu religion is the concept, which says that this entire creation is a result of play between Shiva and Shakti. A similar concept can also be seen is various other world religions, popular among them is the well-known Chinese philosophy of Yin & Yang. The simple explanation of that is the duality that exists in almost everything such as Night & day, Man & Woman, Hard & Soft and so on.

In Hinduism Shakti is described as the supreme female deity who is known as Parvati, Durga, Kali, and so on, which represent the YIN. The worship of Shakti in the form of Durga has a nationwide appeal and is observed as a celebration with tremendous zeal. There are many mythological stories associated with the Goddess one of which is as follows. There was once a tremendous battle between Goddess Durga and the evil King Mahisasura who represented the negative aspect in nature. The massive battle ensued for a long period raging across a universal battlefield. Finally, one-day goddess Durga finally used her primary weapon the Trident to pierce through the armor of Asura who had assumed the form of a buffalo and slew him. This day is Called Mahalaya, which is a day of great austerities among Hindus who observe this day and the word Mahalaya means the Great Destruction.

Having achieved Victory in this historic battle, Goddess Durga comes down to earth and spends ten days among the mortals and it is this period on earth that is observed as Durga Puja. The occasion of Durga puja or Navratri (Nine Nights) is one of the biggest festivals of India observed at various parts of the country and in places across the globe. In most parts of India, it is a complete family festival where the entire family members look forward to 5 days of absolute fun and frolic. Of the ten-day period, it is the 6th to 10th day that is mainly observed as the principle festive days in the East of India. In other parts, they celebrate all nine days culminating on the tenth called Dussehera or Dashami.

In most parts of India, it is common to see large temporary structures being built of bamboo covered by coloured cloth that becomes the public worship spot during the festival days. The variety of statues made from clay and dressed in assorted colors is a feast for the eyes as is the theme and design of the structures. People pour in from all parts of the world to see this massive festival and the multi design talent that comes on display for these few days. Artists and artisans use their expertise and experience to come out with innovative designs and technical showmanship in the construction of these Pandals or temporary structures.

Many large commercial companies have instituted various prizes on aspects of Beauty, Art, Design and such to award the best across the cities & towns. Besides the people of the Indian nation it is common sight to see hundreds and thousands of tourist to throng the city streets hopping from pandal to pandal and enjoying the bewildering sights and sounds of the Durga Puja in Eastern Indian particularly. For families it is a time of great reunion and people staying abroad and outstation return home to take part in festivities with the rest of the family. The commercial community gear up for one of the best times in the year to conduct business and that applies to almost all section. Clothing and food are two segments that are completely geared to handle brisk trade and high profits. Varieties