Sun Style Battery Vent Cap

As a market leader, the Battery Vent Caps & Battery Accessories manufactured by JK Ceraplast is always in demand with customers. Each and every product that is put out by the company is a product based on study of various technological aspects that are continually upgraded.

The Sun Style Battery Vent Cap is one such prominent product that offers superior features. The highpoint of this range is that these caps have a built in PP filter which offers certain specific benefits. It is because of this filter that these caps offer splash proof or Anti Splash characteristics. When these caps are fitted, the chances of the acid content inside the battery spilling out abruptly can be avoided. These caps are of rugged construction and completely acid resistant.   

Further it prevents the acid vapours from exiting the battery and is channeled backwards. The direct benefit of this is that it greatly reduces the need for frequent Battery Watering, by maintaining the water level which saves on maintenance costs. The body is completely acid resistant and helps keep the battery exterior dry. It is generally available in Red, Black and Blue colours.

Model (Style) Fitment Style Thread Size Colours Type
118 Threaded M27 X 3.0 mm Red, Black, Blue etc Anti-Splash